Is The Current Way Of City Branding The Right Way?

There are many ways of doing one task, and not all the methods are the right one! With so many things happening at once, time is often less in picking which one way would be the right way to make out things appear in the best way out!

The best way is the way that would work out right for the current generation. Here in this article, we have things that would try to bring some difference in the contemporary city branding campaign.

With these few fantastic and creative ideas, collected from around the world, our panel of writers believes, the new techniques would bring a significant shift in our reader’s branding campaign!

  • How About Customizing One’s Vision?

This is the case when one talks about New York. The customized merchandise with the slogan of “I Love New York” has done rounds over Internet and even now people can be seen branding such kinds of stuff!
This slogan has become the agenda of people in New York.

The way New York and its beautiful destinations are seen with respect now, the case was not same earlier, and then this vision of loving New York and printing the same merchandise popped in the revolutionary yet random person.

Till now, one can see the tourists becoming chains of branding identity and making rounds over the Internet, and thus, this one is still regarded as one of the splendid ways of regional branding! Not to miss this one scenario presents a great way to do National Branding as well! The result of which, once in ruins, the city of New York recognized for drugs and criminal cases is now a place where many fall into love!

  • Taking The Vision To Be Very Near To One’s Heart!

This is something the people of Amsterdam tried, while they brought in their last and the most successful slogan of I Amsterdam! There were many slogans and campaigns to make this beautiful city restored to its original beauty, worth, and value but the last one, which is the current one also, was witnessed to be working well!
Thus came a time, when the customized merchandise and the activities happening within the place were justified to bring but the beauty of the place, which was once thought to be just a place for drugs and prostitution and thus one of a great way to bring a change in the city reputation, in the worldwide scenario!

  • Show The Best That One Has!

This one example suits perfectly on the brand logo of Paris. The place knows very well about its strength and most visited monument. This is precisely what they tried to bring up when they designed their place logo, with a touch of creativity, involving the mini sketch of an Eiffel tower in it. Thus engaging the sense of country reputation in their branding campaign and making use of this very well to enhance their revenue generation from tourism department!


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